Monday, February 2, 2009

Obama takes a stand on feminism by taking it all off...

The most recent issue of Ms. magazine has a picture of President Obama on the cover. Obama is ripping off his white collared shirt revealing a t-shirt underneath which says "this is what a real feminist looks like."
This ad says far more that just those words. I feel that the feminist magazine is using the political presteige of President Obama to help redefine their image. Feminists are generally thought of as angry lesbians who aren't ever happy about anything. This ad is meant to help change public opinion in that regard. The ad itself makes President Obama look cool and rebelious. He is ripping off his collared shirt and red tie as if to be getting rid of conservatism, which coinsides with femisist ideals.
Not only is Obama a man, which counters what we stereotypically think of as a femisit, but he is also 'the most important man in the nation.' Without coming out and saying it, the cover screams "if feminism is cool enough for the President it must certainly be cool enough for the rest of us."

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