Friday, January 30, 2009

Bye Bye Blago

The SJR says it all in the lede to their cover story of the Friday, January 30, 2009 newspaper. "He's gone" is all it said, but those two words said it all. It was what the entire state of Illinois had anxiously been waiting for; after being impeached over one month ago, Governer Rod Blagojevich was officially removed from office Thursday afternoon. A first in state history and the first time impeachment and susequent removal from office has happened in this country in over twenty years. Luitentent Governer Pat Quinn was sworn in only minutes after Blago's removal. The Illinois Senate's vote was unanimous...another first in state history.

A random sidebar: The restaurant where I am employed celebrated the event's of yesterday by running a martini special last night, "The Impeachmentini." Needless to say we ran out of martini glasses...stay classy Springfield.

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