Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Peter Ellertsen-something learned by having made a mistake

What’s the dumbest thing you have ever done? “I don’t do dumb stuff.” Cause I’m perfect.

Worst thing I ever did..I was writing a story about the county clerk in Anderson County Tenn. He had been charged with official corruption. The states atty presented the evid. To GJ. GJ returned what is known as a no true bill… When written I left out a word…NO.
Were you fired? No
Were you heavily reprimanded? Didn’t have to be…I saw it before everyone else

I convicted the poor SOB of something he wasn’t found guilty of.
What kind of trouble did you get in? I didn’t really. I felt bad enough. They couldn’t make me feel any worse.

How old were you? Early twenties.

Where did you work? Oak Ridger. Daily paper in Tenn.

What kind of response came from the mistake? It made it out to the street…we ran a big correction the next day. I had to write the correction. Maybe the hardest hing I’ve ever written.

What did you learn? That’s a tough one…maybe that you should never think your so good or get so busy that you don’t look over your stuff to make sure you didn’t do something really really dumb.

Not since 1991. That’s when I left the newspaper business. You always make mistakes and you keep learningfrom them. Usually if you correct it right away…people will let you screw up once.

I left in 91 to work for the state treasurer. Did public relations for a couple of years and then began teaching. I still make mistakes and I still go back and try to fix them

Instructor in journalism at SCI

Courthouse reporter at Oak Ridger

NUT GRAF: main point,

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