Friday, November 7, 2008

Let me entertain you...

It seems that a lot of the election news (and politics/Govt news in general) has been packaged as entertainment. Instead of the issues being the most important, a middle name, a flag pin, lipstick on a pig, or the dollar amount of a campaign wardrobe are the latest buzz, comparable to Brittney Spears latest DUI or Lindsay Lohan's latest stint in rehab. The campaigns themselves are discussed as horse races (sporting entertainment events), and politicians (with the help of the mainstream media of course) have even used their family members to create more limelight for themselves.

I feel that the reason for this is cyclical and the politicians, media and viewers are all to blame. The campaign is to blame for perpetuating the negative campaign ads and counter attacks on their running mates that the media picked up and ran with, the media is to blame for choosing to highlight the mindless drivel more so than the real news and we, the citizens, are to blame for being more interested in that sort of information than the important stuff like education reform and foreign policy.

I feel we are very much deprived of a coherent contextual understanding of the world. When we aren't provided with all the information, the media has failed and we have lost. Our right to make educated and informed decisions has all but been ripped from our hands because those responsible for providing said information are not fulfilling the responsibilities of their jobs.

Is that a bum rap? ie)

Did the wisdom of crowds work in this election?

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