Wednesday, February 6, 2008

His Girl Friday in Real Time

1:24 Black and white

1:25 Always smoking-Smoking is portrayed as cool. Smoking is also something one does when stressed and the high intensity of the job makes for high stress all the time.

1:25 Fast talking- Again, helps portray the high stress and high intensity of the job.

1:26 Hilde Johnson: "Oh!... How you have messed up my life! What am I going to do?" She's blaming Grant's character for her following her dream/heart so that she doesn't feel so bad about not conforming to the stereotypical female gender role of marriage and family.

1:29 Walter Burns: "You're going to let a women come between us after all we've been through?!?" It was a funny quote because of the love triangle that evolves in the movie.

1:31 Hilde: "I've got a right to carry a gun if I want to!" She's a tough broad and that makes her really cool, but she's also proper and dainty looking. The gender stereotypes of the time were crushed by her character.

1:33 Walter: "Excuse me madam are you refering to me?" --I like the use of language here. It's kinda like in 'Gone With the Wind.'

1:37 Hilde: "Oh you'd hang your own mother to be re-elected and you know it!" The quick wit on the part of Roselyn's character is a nice touch because you don't expect the female lead in an older film to be so brazen. More often they are weepy and sensitive and fainting on cue etc.

1:39 Walter: "Look honey, when you walk out that door part of me is going with you..." Again, a great quote that signifies the times and reminds me of the old 'Casablanca'/'Gone With the Wind' use of language.

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